Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bad job Time to look for another job - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Bad job Time to look for another job - Introvert Whisperer Bad job? Time to look for another job? Are you looking for a new job?   Are you unhappy with the one you have? So, what’s my advice around those questions?   Stop looking. Yep, stop looking for something better and improve things where you are.   Here’s the deal: The statistics aren’t in your favor that what you find will satisfy you any better than where you are right now.   In fact, the data shows that only 40% or fewer of people will like their job.   Usually, the dissatisfaction has nothing to do with job content or pay. That means the time-honored solution of finding a new job to solve the problem of a bad job = doesn’t work. What’s the solution?   You are the solution but you can’t keep doing things the same way. What I’ve said so far, isn’t “common knowledge” or even discussed that much, so what I’m saying may take a few minutes to absorb.   That’s the problem with common knowledge, it may be common but it doesn’t make it right.   The other problem with this common knowledge is that there isn’t anyone (but me) talking about the best solution.   I’m here to change that for you simply because you’re here with me and I’m talking about it. We don’t realize that we can change how things work for us by simply making a few changes in our standard approach.   This isn’t painful or difficult and I think people can often make a problem harder to solve than it really is.   It’s like tuning in to a radio station in your car.   Sometimes, you have to only change the setting a tiny bit to make a huge difference in the sound. YOU DON’T SOLVE A BAD JOB BY LOOKING FOR ANOTHER JOB. So, your question should be “If you don’t solve a bad job by looking for another job, what do you do?” The answer is much simpler than you might realize. Turning any job into a job you like breaks down to these three things: 1. Relationships â€" One thing that many people don’t “get” â€" especially introverts â€" are that your success, your satisfaction in your work relies on others. Some people don’t think about this idea but for others they think you shouldn’t have to develop relationships with people you work with.   They think they go to work, do the work and leave it all behind at the end of the day.   Life doesn’t work that way and yes, work is part of life.   Your work is an interwoven fabric of tasks and other people.   If you don’t give other people the same focus you give your tasks, you will end up hating your job and everything that goes with it. 2.  Learn about emotional intelligence or said another way, how to interact effectively â€" I’m sure most of you reading this probably think you interact effectively with most people. You’re probably right.   However, you will always encounter difficult or challenging people in every job as well.   It’s those people you need to ensure you are effective with because they also tend to be people in a position to make your life good or miserable.   You must learn how to adapt to other people’s behavior in order to find harmony at work. 3.  Own your happiness â€" You are in charge of you. No one but you can make you happy or unhappy.   The saying “You’re about as happy as you make up your mind to be” applies.   If your situation isn’t working for you â€" change something.   Venting and complaining will only make you feel worse so figure out what it takes to improve your situation and go do it. There you go,, something to not only think about but use.   Please. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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